Friday, January 13, 2012

I'm too slow to became a friend so ihavn't got any friend since 8th month so how can i find friends?

i 've been here in london for 8th month but because i'm very sensative and seriouse so i haven't got any friend who can play with after college one mor thing i'm learning english as well but now my life is very borring just go to college then come back to home no nothing so i want halp from you how can i find some friends not gangs because my dad told me that in your age commanly gys are here in london involved in gangs and somking drinking so i'm looking for friend who is not smoking and drinking and he want to be good person .it doesn't matter who are they but theymust be very good and better than me and they alsospent sometime with to playing something

What does this quote really mean?

i'll take a stab at it and say that everyone is connected to each other, and that you're not alone. i'm probably just scratching the surface of this quote, and one could go much further, but this is just a quick interpretation.

What do i have to do to make my tester use the methods/objects in my Program?

Create an object [BankAccount], use getters and setters defined in the object (cl) to perform the operations...

I dont understand this!!!!!! HELP ME!?

I dont understand something here. my bf and his ex wife split about 2 years ago and share a child. whenever he speaks with her (about his child) or has any contact with her he becomes extremely rude+moody+ruthless. and takes it out on me... why might that be? I keep tellinghim he is doing that and he just ignores my words.

What do u consider to be the best home invasion horror movie ever?

I would have to say "High Tension". And no matter what you say, the twist made TOTAL SENSE. I loved the ending.

Problems with E4 channel during Shameless?

Every tuesday night when i watch Shameless (first look) on E4, the picture is always breaking up. It doesn't do this on any other programme or channel, just this one show! Anyone else had the same problem?

Help with yugioh deck experts only?

i say u got a good deck all together but for me i wouldnt use wat u r using at all but tats me i cant tell u wats wrong. a yugioh deck represesnts u, like pegasis likes to play games so he uses a game or toon deck. if u really wanted my advice on deck use a lot of monsters with abilities they can take u out of tight spots also dont really use monsters like exodia like u need one to power the other it takes a long time to get your plan to work. i always say use the clics, i like to use the ORIGINAL CARDS but some times i mix them up u cant ever go wrong with destiny heros thy rule anyway got to go if u want to here more buddy me then wen u ask another question ill tell u more