Wednesday, January 11, 2012

For Ex-Wives >> How do you finally let go of the ex-husband? Or do you create an alternative ...?

Yes you would say we are the enemys but in reality we are not. first of all I can not explain your ex wife to you but I can tell you this, when my ex and i divorced it was the happiest day of my life but what he failed to remeber is we divorced eachother not the kids and he has totally negleted his kids with for his new girlfirend and their new baby, he use to take them every other weekend and that changed to once in awhile to now only hoildays. I can tell you this much you will not ever get rid of her because you have kids together and they need for you all to get along so they know that you both love them even if you dont love eachother anymore, I would say this much to you through dont let your new wife make a big deal out of her calling you for things about the kids remember they are your flesh and blood and kids should always come first.And dont read more into it then it allready is she may just be calling you to keep you in the kids life which is good on her part because the kids will see she is trying to keep socialable with you and not keep them from you your new wife needs to understand that you do have kids with this woman and she needs to let go of her insucurity. Good luck and remember the kids are the most important!


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