Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Credit question?

Our community is in a terrible recession. Many of us recently became unemployed and the unemployment benfits have now run out. There are far fewer jobs than there are workers. The factory closings took everyone by surprise. Most of us like all of America had pretty substantial debt. Many have lost homes, cars etc. My question is this: If you cannot pay money owed to a bank and your credit is shot. If you cannot afford to file bankruptcy what are the recourses of the creditors that you owe unsecured debt to? Can they have you incarcerated for failing to pay? If you are unable to pay a judgement what is the procedure for them collecting? If your home or possessions were not given as collateral can they sue you and take anything that is not a solvent et if not used to secure a credit card or bank loan (signature loan). Thank you.


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