Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Horrible pain in the throat?

About a week ago, i noticed a lump right below my jaw, it didn't hurt or anything so i let it go, thinking it would go away. A couple days later i got very sick. My eyes were swollen, i had a terrible ear ache, i felt very nauseous, and my throat started to hurt. i felt pressure in my head. Then Last night i noticed white patches on my tonsils and in the back of my throat. i went to my doctor and he tested for strep throat, but i tested negative. then at about 2:00 am, i felt like my throat was getting smaller. i could breathe fine, but i had a hard time swallowing liquids. It also hurts when i talking and yawn. I also noticed laying down made it worse. i gargled salt water, but there was no difference. I don't no what's wrong. now i feel exactly the same. What could be wrong? does anyone have any ideas? Thank you.


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