Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Are these signs he likes me more?

This guy, we went back to his house and slept in his bed cuddling, he told me I was gorgeous girl and we kissed but I just wanted to sleep. Then about a week later I made my intentions pretty clear and we slept together, the next day he took me out for breakfest and asked that I go back to his 2 watch movies, we cuddled on the couch together, since then we've been hanging out a lot along with two good friends of mine. The other night us four fell asleep in the bed (It's a big bed) and he was at one end I was at the other and then when someone got up he slipped in next to me and we cuddled again but didn't kiss. He asked about going out to breakfest morning but I had stuff to do so I declined. Last night I sent a message telling him to come around for cuddles 'no strings attached'. He was really tired and said "he couldn't believe he was turning down that but he needed sleep and next time definately yes, x " My friend said he's a player, but I think he likes me more than just a shag???


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