Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Guys and girls views please.........?

My boyfriend split up with me last week as he says that all i do is argue with him. This was true althoough a lot of it was provocked and I was under loads of stress...Last week I told him what I thought i.e--I am sorry I love you the usual stuff. He text me back saying he is "confused" I love him more than anything a week before he split up with me he said that he loved me and I know he meant it..since then he has being ignoring me..he told my friend he hasnt moved on but its just "no fun" with me anymore :( how do I put this right? he text my friend last night and said I feel bad on emma (me)" and then he text me saying " i have really missed you" to which I replied "your the one who split uo with me" then he started being horrible saying " go f***k other guys we both know you want to and also " you dont need to think about me again" and " i dont want anything to do with you ever again" I know I shouldnt but i love him so so much...i know that deep down he doesnt want to leave me..he used to say " please dont ever leave me" and that im the best thing that ever happened to him and he also said that if we did ever split up he would never ever let me know that he was upset about it...what should I do? I have felt like rubbish all week and I have barely ate its making me ill


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