Saturday, January 7, 2012

Need advice on 24 hour care for mother with dementia!!!?

Hi there, need some advice about caring for people with dementia, my mother who has had dementia for some time now has moved on to the stage where she does not think her home is her home and is now wondering and talking nonsense, she does not eat without being prompted on every mouth full, i was looking after her the most with help from carers who nip in for 5Min's at a time. The thing is she has now been sectioned for 28 days and i would love to provide 24 hour care in her own home as a care home would be my very last option and also her living with me is not a option as i have 3 children and no room and a marriage on the rocks,is there anyone who can provide me with info on benefits that would help me do this , also how much would i get? thanks


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