Saturday, January 7, 2012

What is he doing?

So i've known this guy almost all my life. he was my first crush. he is my bro's bf. he finally tells me he likes me so i tell him too. sadly he is movin VERY soon to the other side of the country for school, where accordin to my brother there is a girl waiting for him (wich is 1 reason y he is movin). that nite wen we admitted our feelings to each other, we startd kissing. I stoppd because it felt really awkward and i knew this shuldn't happen bcuz he is movin. anyway the nxt day we talkd about what happend and never really said what we are gonna do. well after textin for hrs, I felt he wasnt interestd in our convo, so it jus endd. without a ttyl or a bye or watevr. its ben more than 2 1/2 weeks. no text or anythin. i saw him a week ago n we sed nothin 2 each othr n avoidd each othr completly. I felt that he was just usin me. i told my brother everythin n he sed his friend wudn't hurt me. but im thinkin why is he avoidin me. btw dat hole kissin nite my bro sed he heard his friend


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