Sunday, January 8, 2012

Is he just playing me?

ok so me and ex wetn pout for just a little bit,but after we broke up we were still friends.that was about a year ago now just recently we we started talking alot,we act just like boyfriend and i feel like we are going out we still say i love u and stuff we call eachother baby and stuff.he calls me his girl.but every time we bring up the times when we went out evan if he brought it up he changes the subject a few days ago he told i make him feel like the luckiest man in the and he said like im like ur brother and ur boyfriend at the same time but im not ur does he want me back like what is going on like we talked about hooking up and were planning on it.but this seems more then friends with im afraid to like anyone elsecause im afraid to loose him can anyone told me whats going on here??sorry for the grammer and spelling mistakes im on my phone!


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