Sunday, January 8, 2012

Super nintendo controller port not working?

Ok, I have been into the retro gaming phase for about a year and one of the items i acquired about 6 months ago was the SNES and the controller didnt work, bought a working used one, worked for a while but doesnt work now. I tested my buddies working controllers on it and still doesnt work so ive come to the conclusion the main controller port is shot. Before I invest in all of the tools to open the the snes up for one where do you get that controller port and 2 does it come out and go in easily(like plug into anything) or do you have to solder it in or do something like that that you have to be precise on? I do have a couple of stores in My area that specialize in retro gaming and they do repairs but they want an arm and a leg for everything and have managed to to fix my NES by ordering parts for $10 versus give them $50. I just need to know so i dont waste money on special screwdriver and where to get the port(googled it and coulnt find a source searching 10 google pages. Any help would be appreciated


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